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الكلية التقنية الحويجة
about the college
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college Council
Teaching guide-en
Icons and celebrities
Introductory videos
Pictures about the college
college departments
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Megatronics Technologies Department
Department of Business Administration Technologies
Department of Banking and Finance Management Techniques
Academic Affairs
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the Northern Technical University Formation
Academic programme
Description of the academic program
Course guide for Hawija Technical College
Divisions and units
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Information Technology Division
Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division
Media Division
Follow-up Division
students Affairs
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Study in Iraq
Admission plan
Registration and admission unit
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الكلية التقنية الحويجة
Main Menu
Abdul Razzaq Khader Hussein
Abdullah Muhammad Suleiman
about the college
Academic Affairs
Academic program and courses Describtion- Bank-Dept
Admission plan
Admission plan for Hawija Technical College 2023-2024
Ahmed Abdullah Danouk
Ahmed Mwafaq Hassan
Awad Issa Muhammad
Basir Khalaf Khazal
Business administration lesson schedule
call us
college Council
college departments_en
Course guide for Hawija Technical College
Courses and study units for the Department of Banking and Finance Management
CV Muhammad Hussein Gharbi Al-Jubouri
CV of teachers
Department of Banking and Finance Management Techniques
Department of Business Administration Technologies
Description of the academic program
Description of the academic program-course-business
Evidence and controls
First morning schedule banking and finance
Follow-up Division
Haidar Sultan Daoud
Haitham Ahmed Yaqoob
Home Page – En
Home Page – En
Icons and celebrities
Information Technology Division
Introductory videos
Khalaf Abdullah Hassan
Lesson schedule for morning and evening study for the Department of Financial and Banking Technologies
Links to faculty research for the Department of Banking and Financial Technologies
Location map of Hawija Technical College
Mahmoud Abdel Hassan
Media and International Relations
Media Division
Megatronics Technologies Department
Muhammad Farag Idan
Muhammad Hussein Gharbi
Picture library
Pictures about the college
Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division
rayid waeadallah dawud
Sahib Jalal Ajaj
Schedule of evening study lectures on financial and banking techniques
Schedule of morning study lectures on financial and banking techniques
Schedule of the first stage, evening study, Department of Financial and Banking Technologies
Second evening schedule, financial and banking
Second morning schedule, financial, banking
students Affairs
Study materials Department of Banking Management
Study subjects, Department of Business Administration-1
Teaching and learning links for the Banking and Financial Technologies Department
Teaching and learning links for the Banking and Financial Technologies Department
Teaching guide for the Department of Financial and Banking Technologies
Teaching guide-en
The college’s organizational structure
the Northern Technical University Formation
the site
University calendar
University email application form
University services
Video lectures for the Department of Financial and Banking Technologies
Video library
Wisam Sami Jabbar
Wissam Ahmed Askar
الشعب والوحدات_en
جداول المحاضرات للدراسة الصباحية لقسم ادارة الاعمال
جداول المحاضرات للدراسة الصباحية لقسم الميكاترونكس
جداول المحاضرات للدراسة المسائية لقسم ادارة الاعمال
روابط التعليم والتعلم لقسم الميكاترونكس
وحدة التسجيل والقبول-en
تسجيل الدخول
Weekly lecture schedule for the second stage - morning study - Department of Finance and Banking