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اطلع على اخر الاخبار الخاصة بالكلية التقنية الحويجة والمستجدات والورش والندوات والمنهاج التعليمي للكلية التقنية….

The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal….

  The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal…. In implementation of the sound directives of the respected President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, regarding the interest in the scientific and research aspect by the teaching staff in the

The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal…. Read More »

احد موظفي الكلية التقنية الحويجة يناقش بحثا بعنوان (تأثير الرش بأوكسيد الحديد النانوي والبوتاسيوم في نمو وازهار وبعض الصفات التشريحية للورد القزمي) للحصول على شهادة الماجستير

An employee at the Hawija Technical College

Mr. Mahmoud Khalaf Mahmoud discussed a research entitled (The effect of spraying with nano-iron oxide and potassium on the growth, flowering, and some anatomical characteristics of the dwarf rose) to obtain a master’s degree, where he obtained an honors rating. The discussion took place at Tikrit University, College of Agriculture, and under the supervision of

An employee at the Hawija Technical College Read More »

A research team at Hawija Technical College publishes international research….

A research team at Hawija Technical College publishes international research…. Based on the directives of the President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and the follow-up of the Dean of the Technical College of Hawija, Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Danouk… in activating scientific research… a scientific research was published by

A research team at Hawija Technical College publishes international research…. Read More »

الكلية التقنية الحويجة تنظم ندوة علمية عن (وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، المضار والمنافع.. الابتزازالالكتروني). برعاية السيدة رئيس الجامعة التقنية الشمالية الأستاذ الدكتورة علياء عباس العطار المحترمة، وبأشراف الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور أحمد عبدالله دانوك المحترم عميد الكلية.

Hawija Technical College organizes a scientific symposium

Hawija Technical College organizes a scientific symposium on (Social media, harms and benefits…electronic blackmail). Under the patronage of the Honorable President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Honorable Assistant Professor, Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Danouk, Dean of the College.The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit organized

Hawija Technical College organizes a scientific symposium Read More »

جانب من معرض الكتاب في الكلية التقنية الحويجة.

First Book Fair

The third day of the book fair. The activities continue for the third day at the Book Fair at Hawija Technical College, with the support of the Northern Technical University represented by the President of the University, Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar. Where the Union of Writers and several offices and universities participated in the exhibition,

First Book Fair Read More »

جانب من التحضيرات لتهيئة الأجواء لمعرض الكتاب الاول الذي سيقام غداً الموافق (2024/3/4) على بركة الله على رحاب الكلية التقنية الحويجة ولمدة (4)ايام الدعوة عامة للجميع .


Preparations to create the atmosphere for the first book fair Part of the preparations to prepare the atmosphere for the first book fair, which will be held tomorrow (3/4/2024), with God’s blessing, at the Hawija Technical College, for a period of (4) days. The invitation is general to all.

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