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اطلع على اخر الاخبار الخاصة بالكلية التقنية الحويجة والمستجدات والورش والندوات والمنهاج التعليمي للكلية التقنية….

Launch of the application form for central admission

Launching the application form for central admission The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of the electronic application form for central admission to public universities for the public and martyrs’ families for the academic year 2024/2025. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has set the conditions and controls for

Launch of the application form for central admission Read More »

Education announces the opening of the application form for accepting the top graduates of the institutes

Education announces the opening of the application form for accepting the top graduates of institutes The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the opening of the electronic application form for the channel of the top 20% of institute graduates for admission to colleges and departments according to the corresponding specialization for the academic

Education announces the opening of the application form for accepting the top graduates of the institutes Read More »

A scientific course on (requirements for implementing the occupational health and safety system in accordance with ISO45001).

Hawija Technical College organizes a scientific course on (requirements for implementing the occupational health and safety system in accordance with ISO45001). Under the patronage of the President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Danouk, Dean of the College. The Banking and

A scientific course on (requirements for implementing the occupational health and safety system in accordance with ISO45001). Read More »

Hawija Technical College organizes an art exhibition entitled (Women Defying Life’s Difficulties).

Hawija Technical College organizes an art exhibition entitled (Women Defying Life’s Difficulties). Under the patronage of the Honorable Mrs. President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, and under the supervision of the Honorable Assistant Professor, Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Danouk, Dean of the College. The Women’s Affairs Unit at the Hawija Technical

Hawija Technical College organizes an art exhibition entitled (Women Defying Life’s Difficulties). Read More »

Scientific research

Two teachers in the Department of Business Administration Technologies at the Hawija Technical College publish scientific research in solid scientific journals…. In implementation of the sound directives of the respected President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, regarding the interest in the scientific and research aspect by the teaching staff in

Scientific research Read More »

The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal….

  The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal…. In implementation of the sound directives of the respected President of the Northern Technical University, Professor Dr. Alia Abbas Al-Attar, regarding the interest in the scientific and research aspect by the teaching staff in the

The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Hawija Technical College publishes scientific research in a solid scientific journal…. Read More »

احد موظفي الكلية التقنية الحويجة يناقش بحثا بعنوان (تأثير الرش بأوكسيد الحديد النانوي والبوتاسيوم في نمو وازهار وبعض الصفات التشريحية للورد القزمي) للحصول على شهادة الماجستير

An employee at the Hawija Technical College

Mr. Mahmoud Khalaf Mahmoud discussed a research entitled (The effect of spraying with nano-iron oxide and potassium on the growth, flowering, and some anatomical characteristics of the dwarf rose) to obtain a master’s degree, where he obtained an honors rating. The discussion took place at Tikrit University, College of Agriculture, and under the supervision of

An employee at the Hawija Technical College Read More »